Perrygraf Colllins Radio Space Systems Calculator

Country of manufacture: USA,            Date of manufacture: ____
Overall length: 28.0 cm,          Width: 15.2 cm.,           Weight: 67.9 gms.
Materials: cardboard shell with cardboard slide
Cursor: no cursor
Scales: 31
Front: [ Frequency, Wavelength ] Range (Statute Miles) [ Free Space Attenuation db (2 scales) ] Range (Statute Miles), Antenna Diameter [ Far Field Limit, Near Field Limit ] Antenna Diameter [ Gain reduction db ] Surface Tolerance mms, Antenna Diameter [ Frequency ] [ Beam Width, Gain db ] Efficiency [ Gain db, ERP dbm ] Transmitter Power
Back: [ Noise Bandwidth ] System Noise Temp °K [ Effective Noise Input dbm ] [ RF Loss db. Transmission Coefficient ] [ Noise Temp Contribution °K ] Temp of RF Lines °K [ Noise Temp Stage M °K, Noise Figure Stage M db ] [ Gain Preceedig Stage M db ] Noise Temp Contribution of Stage M °K
Condition: C3 (Signs of Very Minimal use)
Came with: nothing